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Newsletter #4

Hi Tarifans 😉,

After this crazy week, we are enjoying getting back to the normal rhythm of our lives. Semana Santa always leaves room for a before and after. Now, we are in the “after”, with the sun still there and the Poniente replacing the Levante, to the delight of kiters and water sports lovers.

To be honest, that's why this newsletter was a bit late, we were on the water too.

The only downside is the fire that ravaged part of the San Bartolome region last week, between the villages of Betis and El Chaparral. INFOCA teams were mobilized for more than two days to fight the flames, and some residents had to be evacuated in the middle of the night. Levante's sloping topography and strong gusts made it difficult for firefighters to bring the fire under control.

And as if that were not enough, another fire broke out in Jimena de la Frontera a few days later, straining the INFOCA teams. Let's hope that the rain will finally make an appearance in the coming weeks to water the land abundantly, otherwise the summer season may be complicated.

But on a more positive note, the results of Holy Week delighted the traders, with an enormous occupancy rate during these 8 days, the village was not empty! Although it can be a bit noisy for locals, there's no denying that Tarifa is sparkling!

And the events continue to follow one another for the days to come, with concerts, theater and musical evenings in every corner of the city on the program... not to mention that among our neighbors in Facinas, this weekend promises to be of solidarity!

You have an appointment next Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 at the Facinas Municipal Kiosk for a stew festival that will take you back in time with the delights of the traditional cuisine of mothers and grandmothers.On the menu, you can enjoy five different stews at popular prices that will delight your taste buds: Puchera de Tagarninas, Bean Stew, Green Cabbage, Tomato Soup, Choco Potatoes, on the menu, you can enjoy five different stews at popular prices that will delight your taste buds: Puchera de Tagarninas, Bean Stew, Green Cabbage, Tomato Soup, Chocolate Potatoes, and of course other delicious dishes with meat from the region, such as Pork Rinds or Kebabs Lamb.

It is the perfect opportunity to discover and savor the authentic flavors of local cuisine and to enjoy traditional dishes prepared with love and expertise. Do not miss this opportunity to enjoy yourself and share a good time around the table with the nice community of Facinas.

So you will have understood, it is not tomorrow the day before that we are going to go on a diet to have the summer body 😊!!! But at least we are enjoying the life and the unique atmosphere of this beautiful region, and that's pretty nice!

Good vibes only!


The last weekend was still marked by a fairly strong Levante.

Some took the opportunity to make incredible jumps in front of the almost island of Tarifa.

And us too by shooting great photos 📸

If you are not following us yet, now is the time to do so.

To Do
Fascinas Stew Festival

-From 13:00 bar service and background music- “Cuchareo”
-At 17:30 a performance by the musical group “LA MALA HORA” with the best versions of recent times.

12:30pm Children's party by Festfriend Productions with our neighbor Zahira Trujillo
-The Facinas City Council will offer two Bocado Iberian hams for the “Corte de Jamón Solidario” cut by our neighbors Andrés Perdigones and Antonio Álvarez, in addition, rice also for the benefit of the “Asociación Contra la Leukemia Josep Carrera”.
-At 16:00 FLAMENCO performance by Toñi Romero.
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