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The company Aperogreen respects the rules of privacy.

On the website of Aperogreen, we strive to respect the confidentiality and security of all data we collect from visitors using our websites, while acting as a Personal Data Controller under personal data protection rules and regulations. Our websites use cookies to make it easier for you to navigate and to distinguish you from other users of the site. This helps us to provide you with a good experience, to improve our service.

This cookie policy describes the types of cookies we use on our websites and our purposes for using them.

If you have any questions about this cookie policy, please contact us at For a more complete description and list of the cookies we currently use, please see our cookie list in section 5 of this policy. For more information about our privacy practices, please review our privacy policy:

If you have any questions or comments regarding this policy or the privacy of your data, please contact us at 

Please read this Cookie Policy and the Privacy Policy carefully for more details as they are both important for the protection of personal data.


1. Definition of cookies 

A cookie is a small text file that a website saves on your computer or phone when you visit the website. This allows the Website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login, language, font size, and other display preferences) for a period of time, so that you do not have to resubmit these preferences when you return to the website or when you navigate from one page to another.

The content of a cookie generally includes the name of the server that placed the cookie, an expiration date, and a unique encrypted code. Cookies generally allow for easier and faster interaction between the visitor and the website (for example, a cookie can keep the language chosen by the user). Indeed, they remember your preferences and allow you to speed up your access to the site later, and they facilitate your visits.

Cookies do not work independently of the website and, in no way, do not access data on your devices.


2. The different types of cookies used 

First-party and third-party cookies : the fact that a cookie is “proprietary” or “third party” refers to the domain that places the cookie.

1. First-party cookies are those set by a website visited by the user at that time (for example, cookies placed by our web domain).

2. Third-party cookies are cookies that are set by a domain other than that of the website visited by the user. If a user visits a website and another entity creates a cookie through that website, it will be a third-party cookie.

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on a user's device for the period specified in the cookie. They are activated each time the user visits the website that created that particular cookie.

Session cookies: These cookies allow website operators to link a user's actions during a session with their browser. A browser session starts when a user opens the browser window and ends when they close the browser window. Session cookies are created temporarily. Once the browser is closed, all session cookies are removed.

“Strictly necessary” cookies, these navigation cookies, allow you to navigate the website and the various functions related to it. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services requested, and the various functions of the website become hampered.

We use these strictly necessary cookies to:

  • Allow you to navigate from one web page to another and to save the information necessary to fill out the forms.
  • Identify yourself as connected to the website and authenticate yourself
  • Ensure that you connect to the correct service on the website when we make changes to its operation
  • For security reasons

If you prevent these cookies, we cannot guarantee the functioning of the site or the security on the website during your visit.

The company Aperogreen uses two types of cookies:

  • cookies for functional purposes;
  • cookies for analytical purposes.

“Functional” cookies are used to provide services or to remember settings in order to improve your visit to our websites.

We use “functional” cookies for purposes such as:

  • Personalize services by remembering your preferences (choice of language, location, navigation data, etc.)
  • Avoid having to repeat your choices each time you visit the site
  • Useful for collecting information provided in online forms.
  • Establishing statistics (e.g. the number of unique visitors)
  • Analyzing the use of the site and the popularity of our pages
  • Provide and display embedded video content

“Google Analytics” performance cookies collect information about how you use the website, for example what pages you visit and if you encounter errors. These cookies do not collect any information that could identify you and are only used to help us improve the functioning of the site, to understand the interests of our users and to measure the effectiveness of our services or advertising possibly.

We use performance cookies to: 

  • Conduct web analytics: provide statistics on the use of the website
  • Follow up on affiliates: Provide feedback to our affiliates that one of our visitors also visited their site.
  • Obtain data on the number of website users who viewed a product or service.
  • Useful for improving the content of our websites
  • Help us improve the website by measuring possible errors
  • Test different templates for the website

This analysis tool is installed by the service of “Google Analytics” via the call of a script. These are therefore “third party” cookies (indirect cookies). We have implemented best practices to avoid sending personal information to google and we have implemented the anonymization of IP addresses that can be collected from our Internet users. This means that we have complete control over the information that is collected through these cookies.


3. When do we need your consent? 

The majority of cookies require your consent. However, some cookies do not require this consent. These are cookies and tracers that are strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the user. For example, the following trackers do not require consent:

  • Cookies from” shopping cart “for a commercial site;
  • cookies” session identifiers “, for the duration of a session, or persistent cookies limited to a few hours in some cases;
  • The cookies Authentication ;
  • The cookies Of session created by a media player ;
  • The cookies of balancing session of charge (” Load Balancing “);
  • some audience measurement analysis solutions (Analytics);
  • persistent cookies from customizing the user interface (choice of language or presentation).

The company Aperogreen Nevertheless, informs you about the use of cookies on its websites. You can give your consent by clicking on the appropriate button on the displayed warning banner. If you do not want to give your consent or want to withdraw your consent to cookies at any time, you will have to delete or deactivate the cookies via your browser settings. See below for more information on how to do this.

Please note that disabling these cookies will affect the functionality of the website and may prevent you from accessing certain features of the website that use cookies to facilitate the user experience.


4. How to manage our cookies?

Most web browsers allow you to control most cookies through browser settings. However, if you use your browser settings to manage all cookies (including strictly necessary cookies), you may not be able to access all or part of the site if you block the use of these cookies. Unless you have changed your browser settings to refuse cookies, our system will issue cookies as soon as you visit our websites.

The company Aperogreen strongly advises you not to block cookies but to consent or not to their deposit on your device by the mechanisms provided by us.

Change your cookie settings. The browser settings to change your cookie settings are usually found in the “Options” or “Preferences” menu of your Internet browser. To understand these settings, the following links may be helpful. If not, you should use the “Help” option in your Internet browser for more details.

More information. To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and delete them, go to


5. List of cookies used on the site

Our site uses various types of cookies, namely:

  • (_ga) from Google Analytics, for analytical purposes, kept for 2 years;
  • (_gat) from Google Analytics, for analytical purposes, kept until the end of the session;
  • (_gid) from Google Analytics, for analytical purposes, kept for 24 hours;
  • (cookieclosed) from, concerning your approval of the use of cookies, kept for 7 days.