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The real estate reference in Tarifa, accompanying you every step of the way.

IAD Tarifa

You have chosen Tarifa for your vacation and, against all odds, you have fallen in love with this beautiful village! This is a very common scenario... Tarifa has the ability to captivate everyone, you either fall in love with it or you move on! And when you fall in love with it, it's like a piece of gum stuck to your sneakers, you can't get rid of it, and your only wish is to have a little piece of paradise in this enchanting place!

However, it must be admitted that this is sometimes (or often!) a real obstacle course! The supply is rather limited, which translates into exorbitant prices, even indecent for some properties, while the demand is extremely high. Between the two, everyone is desperately looking for the best compromise.

The real estate industry is in constant motion, prices fluctuate as often as the weather and it is not always easy to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. That's why calling on a professional is a wise decision.

First of all, you live thousands of kilometers away from Tarifa, which makes it impossible to visit all the opportunities on the market. Secondly, it is essential to be responsive and able to make decisions quickly so that you don't miss the right opportunity!

At IAD, we take you by the hand from the beginning to the end, and this for 15 years now! Nothing is left to chance and the professionalism of the consultants is undeniable. Sylvie Lalot, the head of the agency in Tarifa, has surrounded herself with a competent and dynamic team to meet the needs of both buyers and sellers.

Are you thinking of selling? Sylvie comes to your home to estimate your property, from a small studio to a huge hacienda, everything is taken into account and nothing is left to chance. Sylvie takes care of your property from A to Z: its evaluation, its development on the market, the visits, the follow-up of the visits, the specific requests of the potential buyers, the appointments with the lawyers and the notary... everything is tied up until the signature of the notarial act!  

Are you planning to buy? Sylvie will also draw up a detailed list of your criteria and preferences, so as not to waste your time with useless visits that do not correspond to your needs and desires. Appointments will be scheduled according to your availability, and she will keep you regularly informed of the latest opportunities on the market.

But it doesn't stop there. Sylvie is also responsible for training within IAD so that each consultant is regularly coached and trained to be constantly evolving within the network and thus create a unique and internationally connected community of entrepreneurs,

Trusting IAD means designing a new approach to real estate thanks to a model that allows everyone to be a winner, whether you are a buyer, a seller or a consultant.  

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