Kumquat culture of Bio Jara at Tarifa, Cadiz, Spain

Bio Jara • Tarifa

Because there is more to Tarifa than the wind and the beach...let's take a walk in the campo.

Rather than going on an adventure with a flower on a gun, today we take you to discover a unique and original place.

If the word "kumquat" sounds familiar, you'll be surprised !

Surprised to learn that in Tarifa there is an extraordinary plantation of this exquisite little fruit for almost 50 years!

And not only ! Paquita took us to discover her universe, only 15 minutes from the beaches. A discreet valley sheltered from the high winds, watered by the river that inspired its name, here we are at Bio Jara.

On 10 hectares of well aligned rows, we discover these small precious and so delicious fruits.

Did you know that kumquats are eaten with their skin? No need to grimace, there is nothing acidic here, just a little bitterness at the end.

Kumquats tree Bio Jara

Organic Kumquats from Tarifa

Cooked with all kinds of sauces or simply crunched as it is, the kumquat invites itself as well on the cake of good-mother as in your cocktail containing gin... while passing also by the jam or still in confit, perched on your toasts with the foie gras (or "faux-gras", it is according to 😉 !)

This miniature orange is a vitamin bomb for your health and is an incredibly healthy food option, check it out...

The kumquat is rich in fiber, vitamins C, B, E, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc. But also in water, which constitutes approximately 80% of its weight.

Very low in calories, it promotes a healthy immune system. Rich in flavonoids, known for their antioxidant action, it is considered particularly interesting for cardiovascular health.

Flavonoids inhibit the oxidation of bad cholesterol by preventing it from being deposited on the walls of the blood vessels, thus helping to reduce the cardiovascular risk.

Interestingly, it increases the absorption of iron from food, it will be recommended in case of anemia of the latter to accelerate recovery.

And the fibers in all this? They are numerous in this small citrus fruit which then supports the intestinal transit and reduces the speed of gastric emptying.

Therefore, the kumquat is very useful in weight loss diets because its consumption produces a real feeling of satiety. In short, you will have understood it, the kumquat it is the life!

Lemon Caviar Bio Jara

Caviar lemons

If Bio Jara has made its reputation on the kumquat, it would be inappropriate to forget its little prairie colleagues, because our friend the kumquat shares its plot with other citrus fruits such as the limequat or the lemon caviar, a real lemon bomb in the mouth!

When Paquita presented us with this ungrateful looking mini lemon, we have to admit that we didn't go "Ohhhhh". Especially since picking it afterwards earned us a few scratches in passing because this tiny citrus fruit is super well protected by thorns all over the place! And it is right this rascal to put himself under cover, what a treasure! We tasted it on the spot accompanied by a salmon toast (yes, we were spoiled 😊!) and it was... how to say.... Just WAOW!!!  

Tiny little balls - similar to caviar, hence the name - exploded on our palate, a firework for our taste buds! A solid champagne in fact... but without the dizziness !

Buddha's hand fruit Bio Jara

The Hand of Buddha

Another particularity at Bio Jara, the Hand of Buddha! What is it ???

Native to Southeast Asia, the Buddha hand is a member of the citrus family, like the lemon or yuzu. It is formed of sections that resemble the fingers of a hand in Buddhist prayer position, hence its nickname.

The fruit, huge and very fragrant (aroma halfway between orange and lemon), comes from a variety of citron tree.

In Asia, it is used as a good luck charm, to perfume rooms and clothes.

The hand of Buddha is intriguing because it is a fruit without pulp or juice, unlike the lemon. We use mainly its zest, very thick, low acid, sweet and very tasty.  

Once again, Paquita gave us a nice gift because we left with this wonderful fruit to discover it at our ease at home. So I tried it in all sorts of ways for 10 days !

In cooking, the fruit is delicious, raw, candied or in jam. It brings a fantastic aroma to sweet and savory dishes. To "spice up" a salad, it gives a very interesting exotic touch, mixed with a little soy-peanut butter-ginger dressing, it's a killer!

The white part, located inside the fruit, tastes like an apple when ripe. Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all bitter.

Lemon caviar

You will have understood, we are conquered !

And, very important : the BIO JARA plantation is, as its name indicates, labelled organic!

Only good from beginning to end! It is not insignificant that big brands all over Europe come to Bio Jara because of the quality.

A little touch of luxury for gastronomy, the kumquat has a place of honor in the greatest restaurants, from the starter to the dessert, including the aperitif, it is available in all versions. The same goes for its sidekick, the lemon-caviar, which is all the rage in starred restaurants.

During your stay in Tarifa, you can discover the kumquats at Elisa's store Biomio at the entrance of Tarifa.

Sometimes you have to be lucky because the basket empties very quickly and the season lasts only a few months (from January to May).